be nice. Podcasts

Educating our community to support the mental, emotional, and behavioral health of all individuals through discussions with professionals you can trust.

Podcast Mini Series: the be nice. book: Ep. 1, Looking Back and Looking Ahead

"Surviving Suicide"
a series about surviving the loss of a loved one to suicide

At the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan, we bring awareness to mental health, mental illness, and suicide through education. We challenge the shame and stigma surrounding these topics by talking about them every. single. day.

Our organization has met the greatest people through the most tragic of circumstances - the loss of a loved one to suicide. In the weeks leading up to the Stomp Out Stigma Walk for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, you're going to hear from suicide survivors, who have become dear friends and advocates of the Foundation. They will honor their loved one by sharing their story of loss and the steps they're taking towards healing.

Surviving Instagram portrait WMSOSL

Ep. 6 - Surviving Suicide :: West Michigan Survivors of Suicide Loss

D45 A3 A4 D 4 F4 C 4 A08 A6 FC FFD4 B77 AE0 B8

Ep. 5 - Surviving Suicide :: Speak Up. Reach Out. Don't Wait.

5 FF367 D9 0248 4969 911 B C205 EABA6 DD9

Ep.4 - Surviving Suicide :: Losing a Brother

3 D34 EB80 56 C2 40 D9 98 A1 2 BE545 D1418 A

Ep.3 - Surviving Suicide :: A Sibling's Perspective

3 C98 D72 F 7 DEC 4 E7 D 9495 AB6 AC80 ACF8 E

Ep.2 - Surviving Suicide :: A Son's Perspective

11366 C2 B 1 DD8 4581 A788 3 AC62 CF7 C0 C6

Ep.1 - Surviving Suicide :: A Mother's Perspective

Be nice Minority Logo 1

Exploring Minority Mental Health with Monica Sparks

Kent County Commissioner Monica Sparks joins us to talk Minority Mental Health Month and the Black Community


Maternal Mental Health ft. Spectrum Health

Heather Glenn with Spectrum Health's Healthier Communities joins us to talk about maternal mental health postpartum and shares treatment options for new moms (and dads!).

Child brain development

Mental Health in Children ft. Forest View Hospital

Executive Director Christy Buck is joined by Forest View Hospital nurses to discuss child brain development and mental health, how we can be proactive when it comes to mental illness and suicide prevention, and the treatment available in West Michigan.

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Preparing For An Increase Of Suicides In Michigan

Pine Rest report forecasts a 32% increase in suicides following the pandemic. We're discussing ways we can work together to beat that statistic.

Gov Mayor Podcast

Support Local: Our interview with Governor Whitmer and Mayor Bliss

We asked our leaders to support the be nice. Program to promote mental health and suicide education in our state.

Not Alone

Navigating Grief, Guilt and Shame during the Pandemic

We're all experiencing change and loss, and some are more impacted than others. In this podcast, we’re discussing how to navigate grief, guilt and shame during the pandemic.

All faiths

Faith and Your Mental Health

be nice. Founder and Pastor Dave of Christ Memorial Church discuss mental health and faith as CMC heads into their third year of a be nice. sermon series during the month of May.

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be Mentally & Physically Healthy at Home (a be nice. and YMCA collab)

The David D. Hunting YMCA Executive Director of Membership and Program discusses joins us to discuss the mental health benefits of physical activity, exercise, and connection while staying healthy at home.

Navigating Your Mental Health During Quarantine

Executive Director and Founder of the be nice. Program, Christy Buck, tells us signs to watch for that could be a change in mental health, how to continue human connection during social isolation, why spring is a high-risk time for suicide, and how we can empower ourselves and others to stay healthy.

Contact the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan

160 68th St. SW Suite 120
Grand Rapids, MI 49548 | 616.389.8601

Download Our 990 Form

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